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A good wine is determined by the complex mix of characteristics, factors and ingredients. A good tango has its secret ingredients too, often quite similar to those of a good wine.


Our brand-new ABC courses  of tango with the wine flavour will help you discover or improve the winning receipt for your dancing :)


WS 1: Aroma


Aroma is the smell, which originates with the grapes and which makes the first impression about the wine, likewise embrace and walk are the most important things that make the first impression about a tango partner.

The lesson will explain the technique that we use for walking forward and back energetically, elegantly and, above all: with a clear concept of what should concern to women and what to men. The Embrace, as a contact to look for the connection, will be explained as well. This lesson is essential to 'get the juice' of others coming.


WS2: Balance


A wine is balanced when its elements, such as acidity, tannins, fruit, oak, and other elements are harmonious and no single element dominates.

Balance is also what we aim for in a tango couple. We keep developing technique for balanced interaction in a couple in a PARADA. Parada. Men: Lapiz and Enrosque. Women: 'what after a 'Parada'?, what during a man's pause?  


WS3: Color


Color is the key determinant of a wine's age and quality.

Likewise true color can be added to tango dance by elegant and effortless Giros and sacadas

Giro of woman with man's low Sacadas. Review of the Giro's Technique and explanation of 'Position changes'.

WS4: Depth


DEPTH Describes the complexity and concentration of flavors in a wine.

Tango dance can acquire depth when you can deeply understand the MUSIC and can beautifully interprete tango rhythms, compass and melody.

MUSICALITY LESSON. Conformation of the 'Orquesta Típica'. The tango rhythms, compass and melody. The instruments (and what they tell us). Recognition of the orchestras.


WS 5: Espumoso


- spanish equivalent of sparkling wine.


There is no other dance more sparkling and light than MILONGA :). 'Concept of Cadencia' applied to a Figure in an small space. The musicality and his rhythms.

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